Dr. P's Pages for Parents
Need to download PPT so that students can view their notes? Need to determine your child's DeKalb County Tech code? Try here: Technology Help for (Parents &) Students

Need to check out a book or video for free (provided you have paid all your fines), without having to spend hours in the library? Try out public library’s catalog, they will email you when your items arrive: DeKalb Public Library Catalog
Questions? Problems? Difficulties? Compliments?
Check the Scholarly Science Page for information on scholarships, summer programs, award opportunities and other ways to immerse your students in Science.   Scholarly Science Page

Looking for something for your student to do this summer that is educational and fun? The MCPS SUMMER SEARCH CATALOG:can help. It lists an enormous variety of camps, academic and arts programs, programs  with an intercultural or special needs emphasis, opportunities at  universities and colleges, and many more enrichment experiences across the nation and abroad: http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/info/summersearch/

Online Scholarship Guide
Is your child barely hanging on?
Tutoring IS available.
Tuesday and Wednesday Mornings 7:30-8am
Thursday Afternoons 3:25-3:55pm
Dr. P's Room (Room 114)
also by appointment
Parents, thank you for visiting. With your help and dedication we can ensure that your child has a successful year.  -Dr. Parrott
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS)

Science Under the Stars
What is it?
• 07-08 Dates
     • Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:30-7pm Media Center
     • Tuesday, September 25, 2007 5:30-7pm Media Center
     • Tuesday, October 30, 2007 5:30-7pm Media Center
     • Tuesday, December 4, 2007 5:30-7pm Media Center
Spring 08 dates discontinued due to lack of sufficient parental involvement

Extra Copies
Biology Syllabus
Strategies for Success Introduction
Guidelines for Test Corrections
Guidelines for Crib Sheets

Standardized Tests
EOCT (Study Guides)
GHSGT (Review) (Science Practice Test)
AP Exams
PSAT/SAT (Practice) (Understanding Results) (SAT Question of the Day)

Student Pages

Governor's Office of Student Achievement (Annual
Report Card
, AYP etc)

Study Skills
Cornell Note Taking
Graphic Organizers
Q Notes
York University Review Strategies
Virginia Tech Study Skills Self Help
Test Preparation
Brain Based Learning Principles
How to Study.com
Online Writing lab
View your child's
grades online 24
hours a day, 7 days a week! Visit the
Parent Portal and
follow the directions
for Registering
Are you receiving the Strategies for Success in Science newsletter from Dr. Parrott via email every 2-3 weeks for deadlines, reminders and helpful hints.
Interesting Reading
How to Raise a Delinquent
Secrets of Straight A Students
• A Parent's Guide to Helping Kids with Learning Disabilities
Have you checked your child's agenda book today?
Do you check your child's assignments for completion before they turn them in?